Turkey reveals a kind heart

Posted On : 6 Jul 2010

Early on Monday morning, one of our team members Haider Akbar took ill and we had to have him rushed to the hospital. It was around 4am, so we drove to the nearest big hotel and called the ambulance. It was there within minutes, and they drove us to Nevsehir's main hospital where Haider was admitted.

We went back to the hotel and then returned to the hospital around 8am, but were told he was still in the ECU and that we should come back in the afternoon. 

The next time we went back, Haider was feeling much better and we were allowed to see and talk to him. The staff of the hospital were friendly and very good to us. They told us they may have him stay there a day or two more, just to make sure that he was fine when he leaves.

Early this morning, we went to see him and talk to his two doctors, Sinan and Sirhat. We are very grateful to them and their staff in the hospital, they went out of their way to help and we can't express our appreciation enough for what they did for Haider and for us.

We were in a foreign country and when something like this happens, it reveals the true heart of its people. We have a lot to be grateful to Turkey and the Turkish people.

Archie D’Cruz

Archie D’Cruz