Flying high in Capadocia

Posted On : 7 Jul 2010

It's our second day in Capadocia. After making sure that Haider's heath was good, Shafeeq, Taha and I bought tickets for the famous Capadocia balloon tours from the night before. Pick ups start at 5:00am, we were up and loaded with photo gear for an exciting ride. 

The driver took us to where they set up and launch the balloons. They also had breakfast served on site. It took only 15 minutes to go from a completely wrapped balloon to being boarded with tourists. 

The ride took about an hour that passed very quickly. It was a smooth ride, from take-off until landing which felt like landing on a cushion. The scenes were spectacular to say the least. Even the surrounding balloons were fun to watch as they float in every direction; there were about 35 of them with different colours. 

A fantastic experience that I wouldn't miss if I ever get the chance to do it again.

Ammar Hammad

Ammar Hammad