Almost like being home

Posted On : 18 Jul 2010

With our trip to Greece drawing to an end, Eleni, a friend of ours, suggested we visit Xanthi to see some old houses, and a small village called Krios, to see the tobacco plantations and some mosques, since the majority of the people in this village are Muslim.

We got the midday ferry to Keromoti and from there we drove to Xanthi. We were met on our arrival by Feni, Eleni's sister, and we went to a coffee shop and since it was hot (35C), we had some soft drinks. We then walked to the old city of Xanthi and saw some of the houses, which were built by some tobacco merchants.

Then we drove toward the small village of Krios, which has a largely Muslim population and on the way we saw the tobacco plantations. We stopped to take  pictures. We met with some farmers who gave us some information about how they plant the tobacco. They were very friendly and also surprised to see a car from Bahrain.

Once we were done, we drove to the village and were met by Omar Imam, who was born and raised in Kuwait and speaks perfect  Arabic. He showed us the best restaurant in the town. The food was very good and they also offered us some extra home made food for free.

Like in Bahrain, you can see some mosques with churches very close to them

While we were driving, we came across a group of retired Greek Muslims, who were enjoying their tea. When they learned we were from Bahrain, they invited us to have tea with them.

As our trip winds down, it was wonderful once  again to experience such great hospitality in a great country!

Ali Mushaima

Ali Mushaima