Hot springs and a warm welcome

Posted On : 16 Jul 2010

We started our day by meeting Paul and Chris from Mega TV, a Greek TV channel which has been following the Friendship Arabia Expeditions.

After a good conservation, we went down to the car and did two interviews, a general one with me about the trip and one with Ammar about the tour and the 360ยบ virtual images that he specialises in. 

They also told us about a Greek couple who is travelling around the world (more on them at their website

After we said goodbye to them, we started our drive towards Edessa and from there to Pouzar, which has waterfalls and hot springs which come from the mountain. 

After a good cold swim under the waterfalls, Taha and Ammar enjoyed a relaxing hot water massage, with warm water which comes from the top of the mountain. While we are going to the car, we were stopped by a man who was very friendly and wanted to know where we were from. He also invited us to his honey shop, gave us a talk about honey and when we bought some from him, he also gave each of us a small bottle for free.

As we are leaving Thessaloniki tomorrow (we head back to Thassos Island for two or three days), we were called by our friend Demetry Podas who invited us to come and meet his family over dinner. We had an excellent meal and stayed  for around two hours. I hadn't seen them for six years, and we had a lot to talk about including my first visits to Greece 20 years ago and how I become a frequent traveller to the country.

Later, we headed back to our hotel, thinking about what Greece would have for us during the last few days of our trip.

Indeed, it is not only the history, the beaches and the  weather which makes Greece unique, but also it's the generosity and hospitality of the Greek people which makes it so different.

Ali Mushaima

Ali Mushaima