Posted On : 27 May 2008
I got up yesterday at my usual time of 6am, it was another beautiful day in Petra. There was time to spare before the group was due to meet for breakfast so I decided to go for a run.
The town of Wadi Musa is built on the side of a mountain and our hotel is located at 1,350m so at the gate I had to make my mind up quickly - do I start off running downhill or up? A quick mental toss saw me turning right out the of the gate and heading up a very steep hill.
It seemed better to get the hardest part over with while I was still fresh. It was a major difference from running on the flat roads on Bahrain but the view more than made up for it. Watching the sun come over the barren mountains with so many shades of gold and brown was as breathtaking as the run.
There was a pair of puppies having an early morning frolic right at the edge of a sheer drop into the valley. The air was still cold at this time of morning - perfect for running.
Later in the day, after our adventures in Petra, it was suggested instead of walking back to the Land Rover that we take a donkey. This proved to be a fun and energy saving mode of transport.
Instead of just sitting and admiring the view, I thought it would be a good time to do my evening report. So there I was, climbing up out of the historic city of Petra, and creating history myself by making the first ever live report on Radio Bahrain from the back of a donkey.